
..people parties & puppies..

okay so my weekend was...lets just say it was a weekend... it started w. coming home friday night after work and CSLV class to find unexpected/unwanted company in MY room watching MY movies.!! ugghh.! im oh so ready to move idk wat to do w. myself... Nov. 8th mite be nxt week if they keep playin w. me...

..satur day..
i FiNALLY got a hold of my sister which means i got my hair done.!! Thank you Jesus for having a family full of hair stylist bcuz i definitely can't see the back of my head ha ha ha ... took groove w. drea of hifilv...she's soo great...

satur nite...whoooo.!

H A P P Y B i R T H D A Y L i T T L E.!!

so obviously i went to a bday party which was soooo much fun.. im glad i changed my mind and decided to go... im also glad my sisters went with me bcuz when we go out we ALWAYS have fun together... i missed them... got home @ 4.21a & my nite well morning ended well.!!

Church day... i swear when you're down to nothing God is definitely up to something... & me and Ashley we're going through w.out even realizing it... i danced to Musiq's Love & expected someone to be in the audience but no call no show just an "im sorry" w. a sad face... (hmm maybe ill be important enuff one day).... so the bestfriend(ashley) left her wallet at her work (starbucks) so we had to go back to get it... in the process this man pulls up in a green pick up asking if we want puppies... F0R FREE.!! so of course i take one.!! so now i have a min pin named True & im gonna love him lots.!!

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