
..saturday mornings..


bcuz of True who woke me to go outside not to pee but to eat damn grass.!! (ugh) does anyone have any potty training advice btw bcuz he is just NOT getting it.!! ahhhhh.! but i can say he's only done it on carpet once... everything else is in the bathroom. and even that is strange.! its like he sees me go pee so he thinks "oh mommys going so time for me to go too" then starts running in circles.!! and due to the fact he's soo damn hyper active idk if he's playin or about to poop.!! ugh someone help.!!

S.i.O. later tonight w. my little sister & HiFi...
& honeslty if it wasn't for the fact my other HiFi girlies were going im not sure if id want to go... not bcuz its gonna be boring after meccame & rascles preform (bcuz nobody wants to see yucky SELECT [HiFiLOVE.!!] jk.! jk.!) but bcuz for the past month and some pennies all ive been hearing is _::

"go to s.i.o. to see Karlos Farrar preform"

now a month and some pennies ago i would've been 150 no wait 250% down to go...bcuz im a real ride or die support my man no matter what kinda woman (notice i said woman not girl) but see that was back when we were together and no im not sayin i don't want to go anymore bcuz he's my ex. no that's not the case at all, im friends with all but one ex.boyfriends thanks.!! i think what has me bothered is the way he's handled this "friendship" since the break up and quite frankly if this is how his "friends" get treated im not sure if im down for the ride...
but hey maybe things could change once i see him... who knows.?!! 0h well.!!

im off to slumber land since True is in his kenel for going poo poo on the bathroom rug... stop by laerz for updates


1 comment:

Kid Yosh said...

newspapers, and a shoes...put him in a sealed area full of newspaper and slowly put less paper down and he'll only pee on the paper then move the paper outside, when he doesn't get it rub his nose it in...when he really doesn't get it...use the show