
..vive para el baile..

so i have offically decided as of yesterday(10.8.08) that i am on a serious dance mission i have from now until January 1st to train up... in every which way imaginable.! 3 classes a week between now and then gives me 36 classes give or take... not to mention the occasional workshop here & there (urban legands Nov. 15 & 16...whooo SD here comes HiFiLV.!!) so that way by the 1st i will be a BEAST.!! well not a "beast" presay but you get the idea... this is what i live for so im gonna put 200% into it...



Alexis Michelle Bautista said...

AWWWWW I'm glad you are striving to become an awesome dancer ! I know you can do it woman! I miss you btw! =)

yay for bloggin! Now another blog that I can read happily with a smile on my face =)

Kid Yosh said...

put your life into dance and love will follow after if you save room for it