
..behind every strong black man..

there's a stronger black woman... thats what we've been told from the time we were little... and for me i never thought that it was true until i started dating...and even then i realized that i 1. wasnt dating men and 2. they werent strong at all and i soon came to realize this more and more as i had friends come to me with their troubles reguarding their relationships with their "strong black men" (lol) and the more i would offer advice and listen to the stories the less i would believe the statement...

this went on for quite sometime... actually it wasnt until this years election did i begin to have a change of heart and tap into two emotions/feelings that i shut down a VERY long time ago...(hope & love)

watching President ( i have soo much joy w. saying that) Barack Obama and his wife Michelle (along w. their children of course.!) made me realize that no matter how busy someone might be, no matter how much someone may have on their plate, no matter what club group organization or say i dont know a COUNTRY they just so happen to be involved with or in charge of... you always Always ALWAYS have to keep you loved ones close... not supporting you from the sidelines but right there in the game with you...

futhermore no matter how important you become and no matter if you have and ENTIRE COUNTRY awaiting your first move as a man your first job was son husband and father and you cant forget that... and President Elect Obama is the perfect example of this... throughout this entire election we witness a many occasions where President Obama acknowledged not only his family but the support from his wife... not to mention article about "Why He Loves His Wife" in US weekly...

i think it not only obvious but apparent that President Obama makes time for Michelle... and the time that he does make for her isnt time she has to share with the United States of America, it isnt time where hes her President (yes shes a citizen who has to follow laws in this country too...), it isnt time that she has to be Mom and hes Dad... its ginuine time where its JUST Michelle and Barack no intruptions... time they spend together daily... he makes sure that she still feels like shes his number one... even if hes running country and fixing the mess that Bushy guy made.! and im almost positive he doesnt forget to call her back and if so we ALL know she'll get in his ass...

this relationship is the perfect example of not only love but the saying that every black woman hears from the time she is little...

behind every strong black man theres a stronger black woman

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