
..a love like..

(*w. inspiration frm big sis Salome)

i want a love that makes me smile with just one thought of you
the kind where i fall asleep on your chest not because i was tired
but because i like the sound of your heart beat...

the love where you text me "wyd.?" and i know it really means "i love you"
or the kind where i toss and turn at night because you arent by my side
that love that makes us find each other across the room just to quickly look away...

i need a love that makes me value who i am just that much more
because he validates not just my body but my feelings too
or the love that makes me call my daddy and all i can do is smile when he asks about you

and check this out i want that kind of love that lets us have our own inside jokes
that make us bring them up randomly just to get a response...

the kind of love that makes me giggle and smile everytime someone mentions your name
you know the kind that makes you blush & gives you butterflies...
the love that makes me appreciate our distence because absense makes the heart grow fonder

and oooo shit i want that love that makes me bring a tear to my eye when we're intimate
because we're not just intimate but into each other kind of love
that kind of love you only read about in fairy tales and wish would come true
sorta love...

i want that love that makes us send random pictures to each other
not because its the cool thing to do, but because we're both secretly jealous
and only sent the pictures for a random thought of the other in the middle of the day
dont forget about what you got at home kind of love

the love that makes me love them hatin ass females that came before me but failed
you know the kind that makes you show yo lady off because shes yours if not for any other reason
kind of love...

the kind that makes us confident to be together
but even stronger to be apart because we never know when we'll see each other again type of love
yo know the love that makes my ass hop on a plane, fly across the country, just because i missed you
even though we both know i HATE flying... yep.! THAT kind of love...

and peep this i want the kind of love that makes me forget about every other kiss and hug
in the world because yours are the only ones i need ever again...
the kind that makes me write your name and hearts on a piece of paper all day
when i know i should be working...

but you see ive found this love quite sometime ago
it was just one of those things that had to grow...
and it just brings a smile to my face just thinking about
our love...

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