

my day started off normal got dressed drove to work..oh wait i found out that the guy that was gonna buy true sent couterfit money orders so bofa closed my acct. for fraud of course.! so now i need to print off EVERY email between me and john doe go get the copies of the checks go to the police station file a police report go BACK to the bank and see if the will MAYBE release the my payroll check to me oh and never have a bank account with them again.!! so i immdediatly LEFT WORK i couldnt function.! i mean how could this happen.? to me.? to True.? why.?? it was too early in the morning niether the bank or police station were open so i drove home... and sat for a minute... but i was too mad to just sit there so i did what i normally did CLEANED.!! i cleaned my kitchen well more like i scrubbed my stove...yea i was mad.!! after that i felt better turned on my Sasah...Fierce pulled out my make up and went in... shit i needed to feel good about somethin.!!

so once i got to the bank they gave me the copy of the checks but took my debit card.!! ugh...!! so now im REALLY Really without money.!! and hungry THANK GOD i have food at home and can cook.!! anyway i left the bank got in my car angain and started to cry but i quickly stopped myself bcuz i spent a good 35minutes on the make.up and wasnt about to eff that up nope not at all.!! so i quickly turned the radio put the car in reverse and did it mov'n outta there.!

ugh.! the police station...i've never liked coming here this was the third time, the first didnt envovle me... domestic violence ill let the culprits remain nameless...the second was bcuz tmobile changed their policies on getting a new fone if it had been stolen and required a police report before a new fone would be issued, and the third more recent when i got in the car accident bcuz the lady in the lexus didnt want to yield.... and now again here i was back at the police station (thank goodness it was north las vegas.!) the lady at the counter LOOKED nice (keyword.?) i was soon proven wrong... after explaining my story and providing my evidence she was on the phone w. a dective who made me tell the story AGAIN.!! after his approval i was finally able to fill out a police report... i think they thought i was guilty and were trying to figure out the best way to arrest me... telling my story to the woman a secod time was like trying to pull teeth from a lion with a muzzle on.!! she just wasnt listening.!! after about an hour of explaining, paperwork, telephone calls, questions and funny looks i finally had my police report and was headed back to the bank....

im greatful that the people at the bank were nice and understanding... too bad there wasnt anything they could do. except give me my payroll check tomorrow... i know i know a silver lining on every cloud.!!

i just want to curl up in my bed under the blankets close my eyes REALLY hard open them and start today all over w.out the counterfit checks.!!

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