
..Dr. Jeckel & Mr. Hyde..

im not exactly sure how old i was when i finally figured out who was who in this story but im almost positive it was around the time that i saw the movie 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' after watching the movie unlike most people i didnt hate Mr. Hyde and think he was a bad person or that he should've been killed... nor did i think that Dr. Jeckel should be banned from being a doctor... i viewd it from another angle... yes Dr. Jeckel should be held accountable for coming up with the potion to turn himself into Mr. Hyde, but did anyone ever consider that Mr. Hyde was always inside of Dr. Jeckel hiding just waiting for the chance to speak up.? that maybe Mr. Hyde was Dr. Jeckel in his true self and the potion was just a mear excuse to set him free....
this thought crossed my mind as i evaluated a situation a little closer to home... realizing that i knew someone's Mr. Hyde better then i knew their Dr. Jeckel, and i soon began to wonder how often do people show you their Dr. Jeckel instead of their true self... you know the Mr. Hyde.? or in a reverse action only allowing you to see their Mr. Hyde the outragous, wild, careless, drunken part of themselves never allowing you to see the loving, caring, responsible Dr. Jeckle they hold inside... so here i am at 3am sleeping Mr. Hyde wondering if ill ever meet Dr. Jeckel...

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